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New Delhi, India
Entecres Lab Pvt. Ltd.

An initiative taken by Entecres Lab Pvt. Ltd to make your child learn Coding the fastest and most effective way.
Discover the fastest and most effective way to learn Coding for your kids.
by helping them master the following computer coding languages!
Coding (or programming) is basically a creative process executed by computer programmers wherein they tell a computer or machine how to perform a specific task. It involves writing executable scripts using computer programming languages like Java or Python.
Some see coding as a way of communicating with computers. Programmers give computers instructions, and the computer carries them out. People who know how to code (i.e., coders, programmers, developers) can create games, apps, computer software, websites, and interactive digital content.
Young minds are adaptable and malleable. They are quickly able to absorb and retain knowledge. Kids that are exposed to coding at a very young age, have the benefit of learning how to critically assess situations, explore different perspectives, construct creative solutions, and execute the trial-and-error learning process. The earlier kids learn how to code, the easier it will be for them to master this skill—and all the subsequent skills coding encourages. These skills are as follows:
⦁ Promotes Logical & Critical Thinking
⦁ Promotes Focus & Creativity
⦁ Encourages Confidence & Resilience
To expose kids to technology and equip them with skills they need to be successful today and in tomorrow’s workforce, the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has introduced coding from class 6th onwards. Online Coding Classes for Kids strengthens math, digital, creativity & life skills and improves their academic performance.
Computer classes in school teach kids how to use technology/software. Our Online Coding Classes for Kids takes it to the next level. Kids use technology as a tool to create and bring their imaginative ideas to life. Through real-world projects, our experienced teachers make it fun and easy for kids to learn coding, the most in-demand skill.
My Coding Master is a flexible platform that is being used in lots of ways across schools. Schools are using MCM’s grade-specific lesson plans to teach programming in formal Computer Science classes or to support project-based learning across all subject areas — science, math, ELA, social studies and more.
Schools can use MCM to supplement classroom teaching with 21st century skill-building or roll out a comprehensive and progressive programming curriculum across all grades.
Absolutely! My Coding Master’s grade-specific curricula teach programming through activities that students love! 1st graders solve fun puzzles using tablet app, while 3rd graders are creating exciting stories and animations. Upper elementary students learn the basics of game design to create a fun side-scrolling obstacle game while middle school students start experimenting with the advanced Physics Engine for physics-based projectile games before transitioning directly to JavaScript.
My Coding Master’s curriculum is designed to teach students computational thinking and core computer science concepts. Through My Coding Master, students learn the fundamentals of programming found in all object-oriented programming languages. MCM lessons not only make it easy for students to understand abstract programming concepts, but also allow them to apply concepts to different projects, games, and scenarios. Students learn programming concepts such as loops and variables, repetition, conditional logic, functions, computer drawing, and music. Students also acquire critical skills, such as problem decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, algorithmic thinking, and automation. Once students have a strong grasp of the fundamentals, they can transition to any mainstream programming language, such as JavaScript.
Each of our courses consists of lessons designed to last one class period (45 min to 1 hr). As students progress through a lesson, they’ll be working through different types of learning modules:
Interactive Lectures – set the lesson context and explain the concepts that students are about to learn
Tutorials – Step-by-step instructions that guide students to build the project.
Puzzles – A scenario is presented with some code blocks. Students are challenged to program or debug to make this code work and solve the puzzle.
Projects – An open-ended activity with instructions. Students apply what they have learned and build a project.
Quizzes – A set of fun multiple choice questions around concepts learned in the lesson. Student quiz scores are available in the Grading Dashboard.
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1500+ Teachers Reviews
New Delhi, India
Entecres Lab Pvt. Ltd.
An initiative taken by Entecres Lab Pvt. Ltd to make your child learn Coding the fastest and most effective way.